
January 7, 2011 § 4 Comments

So the first week of the year hasn’t been a considerably nice one. I have piling works on my plate which I’m not inspired to clear. Photobucket decided to be a bitch by replacing all my images online with crap and I can’t fix that unless I pay for a pro account. Decided to spend two days back at my aunt’s place cus I don’t want to be alone at my house, but they weren’t home till late. I had to live a day without my phone ‘cus the battery died and I didn’t bring my charger over. I went to update my bank book on the way back to my house just now and the machine had to die right at my turn, those people ahead of me in the queue were using it fine. My lift broke down for the first time after I moved in. I came home to find out that my hamster died when I wasn’t around for the past two days. To top the mess, I had to feel like I’ve lost a very close friend, somebody who use to put my mind right in place some long time ago.

End of rant.

Now I’ll charge up my phone. Get back to my pestering client. Bury my dead hamster. Get things fixed.

Next week will be better.


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